Viking, Celtic & Early English Art & Design

The Lost Diary of Eric Bloodaxe, Viking Warrior

The Lost Diary of Eric Bloodaxe, Viking Warrior

  • Steve Barlow & Steve Skidmore
  • £3.99
  • Paperback - 127 pages Collins

Viking at School

Jeremy Strong
A 10th century Viking stuck in the 20th century. You can make up the rest!

Viking at School

Vikings Women

Vikings Women

  • Heather Graham
  • $6.99
  • Mid part of a trilogy- Golden Surrender and  The Lord of the Wolves.

The Saga of Eric the Viking

  • Terry Jones & Michael Foreman
  • £4.99
  • Erik and his trusty band set sail in search of the land where the sun goes at night

The saga of Eric the Viking

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